Etiquette 1) Show respect to the living and the dead! 2) In cemeteries DO NOT stand on graves. 3) DO NOT bring personal problems with you on an investigation or to meetings. 4) Do not yell or swear at spirits or other persons present 5) If you are told to leave.... DO IT 6) Do not antagonize or insult the spirits or anyone else! 7) Dress appropriately for the weather and or the situation! 8) Ask permission before doing anything! 9) No smoking within 50 ft of the investigation group 10) No talking during recordings unless to the spirits 11) NO DRINKING OR ANY OTHER DRUGS before or during an investigation 12) NO PDA (personal displays of affection) 13) Do not walk off of an investigation! 14) ALWAYS listen to the group or investigation leader(s)! 15) Cell Phones, pagers and other wireless devices are prohibited from investigations and meetings! If it is necessary to have them they must be turned off!!! Even on Silent they can interfere with equipment! Not abiding by the rules of etiquette and rules of investigations may result in being removed from the investigation and or the revoking of privileges within the club which include but are not limited to being involved in investigations. Investigation leaders will be carrying cellular phones for emergency use but they will under no circumstances be turned on during an investigation for any reason other than emergency use. CSPI Collegiate Society for Paranormal Investigation