Common Ghost Hunting Mistakes 1) Trespassing: Watch for any posted warning signs. Always ask permission before going onto someone else’s property. Avoid areas where access is prohibited. Be careful. 2) Never Litter: Leave the area exactly as you found it or better. 3) Never go alone: Have at least one other person with you at all times. Even if the person knows nothing about ghosts or researching them. This provides safety and also another witness to any phenomena. 4) Never forget to tell people where you are: always tell someone where you are going and how long you plan to be there, if something goes wrong you will have someone to back you up. 5) Never forget to carry an ID: If you are ever questioned my the police you will need some proof of who you are, preferably in a drivers license. They do have the right to ask for ID and they also have the right to detain you if you do not have an ID. 6) Never record false equipment readings: If you do not know how to use the equipment then you shouldn’t use it at all in the field. This can result in human error which in turn results in false findings. 7) Never wear cologne, perfume, after shave, or anything else that creates a noticeable odor. Remember just because you can’t smell it doesn’t mean that no one else can. If using bug spray use odor free and record the use of it. 8) Never forget to carry a notebook: everything that happens needs to be recorded and logged, no detail is to small. 9) Never forget to wear a watch: this goes along with the logbook (notebook) all times must be recorded. 10) Never whisper: always speak clearly, especially during a recording! If there are spirits around your voice will not scare them off. 11) Never use a car’s headlights as a main source of light: these can be misinterpreted in a photograph, and kill the car battery. 12) Never forget to bring flashlights: even in an indoor investigation you may need them.