Investigation Procedure 1) Breifing: a) Breifing takes place at least one hour prior to deperture time at a time and place set by the Investigation Leader. b) Procedure and Rules of Etiquette reviewed along with any other conduct codes. c) Waivers are signed. d) Med. checks. e) Group and task assignments announced. f) Equipment checked and distributed. 2) At the Investigation Site: a) Before entering and when leaving the site a 5-10 minute personal time will be given to all members for prayer, cleansing, blessing, and or other personal needs. b) Groups are directed to specific areas of the site by Investigation Leader. c) The investigation of the site ends upon direction of the Investigation Leader. 4) Debreifing: a) All equipment must be turned in to the Investigation Leader at this time. b) Comments pages are filled out my investigation members. c) All available data is reviewed. d) This is the time for questions, comments, and discussion of the investigation. e) All known Information on site is revieled.