Sept. 1, 2001 Meeting Announcements: A) Officer News 1) Briana Benn is no longer an Officer of CSPI 2) Kelly Hahn has resigned from Secretary 3) Mark D'Agostino is now Treasurer 4) Peter Gwiazdowski is our new Secretary 5) Rich de Villiers is President B)Investigation News 1) 1) We are planning to have a basic training session on Sat. Sept. 8, 2001. For those of you who wish to attend there will be a signup link on the events/activities page. For those of you who are unsure what a "basic training" is, this is where we take you out into the field and teach the basics of an Investigation including procedure and some psychic techniques. Note: members are required to attend a minimum of 4 basic training sessions before being eligible to attend an Investigation. C) General News 1) The constitution is in need of some changes which will be brought to the table soon. 2) Don't forget John Zaffis will be visiting CSPI Sept 15th! 3) Next meeting Sat. Sept. 15, 2001 at 6:30pm