CSPI meetings
will be cancelled until further notice. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Meetings will be resumed
as soon as possible, keep checking back for updates.
Thank you,
The officers of CSPI
Directions to CSPI meetings are now available on the MEETINGS page of this site.
About us
The officers and members of the CSPI are hard working college students and members of the community who are dedicated to researching
and documenting paranormal phenomena. It is difficult to truly portray what we do solely through this web site, so please
keep an open-mind while viewing this page. Some of the equipment which we use to aid in our investigations are common
items you probably have in your home, such as a 35mm camera and a video camera. Also less common items such as Electromagnetic
Field Detectors (EMF), Digital Cameras, Digital voice recorders, Digital video cameras, and an electronic thermometer. Of
course this is only a fraction of the tools used by paranormal investigators. But chances are if you go through that old family
photo album you will find some form of paranormal activity, be it an orb, ectoplasm, or even an apparition! We have
done so many investigations and come up with so much fascinating evidence of paranormal activity which can be viewed on this
page. Our most important motto is that: Everyone starts as a skeptic. It is important to take every new discovery
(no matter how incredible) with a dose of skepticism, lest one should get carried away. It is only after hearing, seeing and
experiencing a successful investigation that one should allow his or her skepticism to diminish for that particular investigation.
Remember a good investigator NEVER looses her/his skepticism. For our society, seeing and hearing is not enough evidence to
reasonably believe what we are experiencing is actually paranormal activity. Though we do use our collective psychic senses
in investigations we do not rely on them alone to prove or disprove paranormal phenomena. Our equipment is used in every investigation,
every step of the way to ensure credible and scientific results. One reason why Paranormal Research has not been
taken seriously as a science in the past is that it seems to attract staggering, and unreliable individuals. We conduct our
investigations seriously and professionally. That said, it is our full intention to share our discoveries with all persons
interested. We strive only to maintain a reputation of credibility. Welcome, and enjoy your exploration!