Meeting times and locations will be announced below, along with previous meetings notes.
University of CT, Storrs campus Student Union Building room 306 (united nations room) at 6:30 pm
Spring 2002 Jan 26 Feb 9 Feb 23 Mar 9 Mar 30 Apr 13 Apr 27 May 4
Previous Meeting Notes:
Dec. 1 New Business Treasurer Mark D'Agostino received disciplinary action of a strike. We will be
applying for research grants as of January 2002 New Investigations are being researched around CT Old Business
The Investigation in Orange, CT will be taking place Feb. 16, 2002 We are still working on funding for new
equipment. Interested Sponsors are welcome to contact us.
Oct. 27 New Buisness 1) Five amendments were made to the constitution. All were passed with a 4-0 vote in
favor with one abstaining. The new constitution will be posted soon. Old Buisness 1) The Investigation in
southern Ct. WILL NOT be taking place. After looking into the proposed evidence given to us by the homeowners it has been
determined the photo's are most likely chemical mistakes in developing. If any further information becomes available it will
be posted. 2) The Investigation in Orange Ct. WILL be taking place soon the exact date will be posted as soon as
it is agreed upon.
Oct. 13, 2001 1) Peter Gwiazdowski passed away on Oct. 2, 2001. A much loved friend, and a part of CSPI that can
never be replaced, donations can be made by request of Peter's family to the University of Connecticut School of Buisness.
2) The Investigation in southern CT. is still being researched and the photographs loaned to us by the family
are being reviewed by photography experts. The results of this should be in soon. 3) We are looking into another
Investigation in Orange, CT. This Investigation will be taking place in Nov. an exact date has not been set as of this posting.
Sept. 29, 2001 meeting notes
Sept. 15, 2001 meeting notes
Sept. 1, 2001 meeting notes